
The Alliance of North American Pipe Band Associations is pleased to be able to offer the following documents for online viewing and/or download.

The intent is to provide member Associations with up-to-date information on ANAPBA initiatives, and to be a central reference for the various agreements and understandings reached by the member associations.

We also hope that pipe band associations from other parts of the world will also use this site as a reference for current practice in North American Pipe Band Associations.


March 2024 - Major  Contest & Championship Rules Final July 26, 2010.pdf
2024 ASPD Music Requirements.pdf
March 2022 - RSPBA-ANAPBA Supplemental Pipe Band Roster Form 2018.   MS Word | PDF
ANAPBA Recommended Grade Level Expectations [March 2020]
Agenda for 2006 Summit

Minutes for 2006 Summit MS Word | PDF

Agenda for 2005 Summit MS Word | PDF

Minutes for 2005 Summit MS Word

Agenda for 2004 Summit

Minutes for 2004 Summit

Minutes of 2003 Summit

2004 Directory Excel format | Adobe Acrobat PDF version
Here's a complete list of all ANAPBA officials, and the ANAPBA reps from the 10 North American Associations.
(updated May 2004)
Minutes from 2003 Summit

Adjudicator Certification and Professional Development
This was adopted in principle as a working document at the 2003 Summit.

Minutes from 2002 Summit

News Release from 2002 Summit
A brief news release about general directions and accomplishments of the January 2002 summit.

Music Requirements Comparison
This chart shows competition music requirements for solo and band events for the 10 member associations.
2001 Interim Report
This report shows work done by various committees through late 2000 and early 2001.
Minutes from 1999 Summit